
Front of Bloomsbury Elementary School

I grew up in Bloomsbury, and attended Good Sheppard Christian Academy until first grade, where I transferred to a more local school. I transferred to Bloomsbury Elementary School, where I started second grade and stayed until eighth grade. Small class sizes were nice, with 14 students (including me) in my class at one point. Fast forward about seven years, I had eleven students, again including me, in my graduating class when in June of 2017, we became Bloomsbury Elementary School's Class of 2017.

A big transition into high school followed in the fall of 2017. Transitioning from a class size of 11 into a graduating class of 387 (I think...) students at Phillipsburg High School was not easy and surely was sort of a "wake up call", as some like to say, but not in a negative way. You may hear people say "high school goes quick, so enjoy every moment of it..." and man were they right. High school opened up many opportunities for me, I was able to join clubs and even enroll in a course that motivated me to get up in the morning. Freshman year I began the Cisco Networking Academy program, starting at IT Essentials, which was the first course out of many to come. This challenging course taught us many useful skills about anything there is to a computer. IT Essentials had to do more with physical equipment rather than software or networking infrastructure, however the networking concept was only a year away (I mean, it's in the name...Cisco NETWORKING Academy, right?). Looking back from where I stand now, from basic troubleshooting steps to learning how to put an RJ45 end on an Ethernet cable, Mrs. Wojick surely prepared us for what is to come in our future. Sophomore year was yet another challenge, starting the actual Networking Academy section. Best memories are trying to factory reset some Cisco 2960 switches (yes, it took us a whole week to figure out how), constantly playing Quake during class (this was all four years, I can't lie). Junior year...well it was junior year. We started out the first semester normal with the second part of the Cisco Networking Academy. This got us deeper into more complex routing, until we got cut short in March. The best memory from that year was Nate deleting LanSchool, a program Mrs Wojick used to see our screens. As we quickly transitioned to virtual learning, it became a little easier, of course with its negatives too. It was nice being able to work at my own pace, however it also left room for procrastination, which isn't uncommon for me. As I made it through that year, we were all left thinking what senior year would be like. Certainly, it was a challenge adapting to a new learning environment and hybrid schedule, but we were able to make it through and graduate on a nice cloudy day on the football field. And just like that, summer was there, and I was preparing to turn the page to a new chapter in my life (and packing for that chapter too...haha).

Phillipsburg High School
Kutztown University of Pennsylvania Master Logo |

And here we are today, currently attending Kutztown University of Pennsylvania. I'm challenged every day with new information, some that is easy to take in and some that is complete garbled information. There are many resources on campus that I hope to take advantage of where needed. This semester, I am enrolled in 5 courses:

  • Basic Concepts and Skills of Music

  • Information Technology Systems

  • Intermediate Spanish IV

  • Research and Composition

  • Server-Side Web Development

While some of these courses aren't extremely interesting or exactly what I want to specifically study, it provides a great path and extended knowledge that is interesting and just plain good to know. Who knows, maybe one day it'll come to a use. Like they always say, "It's Good To Be Golden."